& medical supplies
Vybavenie klinických laboratórií. Produkty pre vedu a výskum
- Reprodukčná medicína
- Bunková biológia
- Pipetovanie, centrifugácia a miešanie
- Preparáty a histopatológia
- Molekulárna biológia
- Servis
- mikromanipulácia buniek
- inkubácia (kultivácia)
- pipetovanie
- kryokonzervácia
- označovanie vzoriek
- skúmavky
- prístroje pre prípravu vzoriek
- mikroskopia a histopatológia
- centrifugácia
- izolácia a purifikácia
- IVF kliniky
- Technický servis
- laboratorní rukavice
- skladovanie
About Minitube
Founded in 1970 by Dr. Ludwig Simmet, Minitube today sets worldwide benchmarks in reproductive technology. Based on pioneering patents and innovative ideas, the company evolved from a small supplier of high-quality products for artificial insemination of farm animals to a market leader in state-of-the-art assisted reproduction technologies. With a complete range of products, Minitube provides a global service to customers in agriculture, veterinary and human reproductive medicine, pet breeding and in various research areas.
As an industry leader, Minitube is fully aware that product quality and safety are of key importance and pays particular attention to compliance with medical device standards. For this reason, all proprietary products are manufactured in our own state-of-the-art, ISO-certified facilities while testing and validation are performed by independent organizations.
With headquarters in Tiefenbach, Germany, Minitube serves customers worldwide, locally supported by ten qualified subsidiaries and a network of specialized distributors.
Minitube is a second and third generation family business. We are characterized by a positive, family-friendly corporate culture and a sustainable growth strategy based on the needs of our customers and the latest scientific knowledge. A first-class team of scientists and engineers engages in applied research, product development and quality assurance and offers optimum service to our customers.
Opening the new Human Division in January 2021, Minitube is now at your direct service. The products shown on this website can be directly sourced from us or through our worldwide network of distributors. We currently ship our products into more than 45 countries.
Besides product development, production and supply, providing you with optimum service is in the center of our attention. Minitube wants to stand out when it comes to customer advice and service - by taking care of your concerns individually and quickly, responding personally and keeping you up to date with information.
Zaradenie produktov
Minitube MultiCoder tlačiareň pre laboratóriá
prints directly on dishes, tubes, vials, cassettes, straws etc.

Minitube Steripette, Single use, disposable capillary pipette
for collecting oocyte cumulus , 50 pcs